Thursday 16 May 2013

Macbeth Act 1-- My First Thoughts

N.d. Kootation. Web. 19 May 2013. <>.
My first impression of reading a work written by Shakespeare is that it will be difficult to understand because the storyline takes place in Scotland many years ago and the language will be different. However, after reading the first act, I know that Macbeth will be like Shakespeare's other tragedies about death, violence and romance.The last and most recent Shakespeare work that I have read is Romeo and Juliet, which is also a tragedy and is also very dramatic, especially the ending when both of the two main characters died. I have always found the characters in Shakespeare's works very interesting. This is because all the characters in his works have qualities that lead them to trouble and sometimes even death. For example, Macbeth's ambitious personality and his extreme hunger for power eventually lead him to kill Duncan, the King of Scotland. From Act One, I know that the witches made three predictions of Macbeth's future; predicting Macbeth is the Thane of Glamis (which he already is), will be the Thane of Cawdor (which Macbeth eventually learns came true) and will become the King of Scotland. In Act One, Macbeth learns that the second prediction came true when the King made Macbeth the Thane of Cawdor. Also, it is not clear from reading only the beginning of the first act whether or not Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are going to hurt the King of Scotland to win over the title. I am also curious about Macbeth's reactions when he hears the witches tell him that he will become the King of Scotland. I have always wondered if Macbeth has already planned to become the king as soon as he hears the witches' prophecy. To cite an example of how Macbeth reacted to this, we only have to refer to when Banquo says "Good sir, why do you start and seem to fear/ Things that do sound so fair- I' th' name of truth" (I, iii, 54-55). In this quote, Banquo is  confused about why Macbeth seems to be worried about the great news of being promoted to be the Thane of Cawdor. As we learn about Macbeth's plans to kill Duncan, it is apparent that Macbeth has already been planning the murder when he heard the witches' predictions. After reading Act One, I have a few questions on my mind. Throughout reading the first act, I have always wondered about Macbeth's family. I want to know whether or not Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have a child.

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